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Re: Child Pornography

> Somebody needs to do something about child pronography being shown and
> accessible to all age groups being shown at:

I don't think this list is right list for this things. First of all, I don't
think I can do anything about this except this what we all can do about 
things we don't like. Do NOT go there and browse those things if you don't 
like them. But I don't like this censorship things. I think that at least on
Net should be total freedom of speech if it can't be in real life. 

Primoz Jeroncic 

* Planina 16         |    pjeronci@rip3.fovref.uni-mb.si  (on HP/HP-UX)  *
* 64000 Kranj        |    ogabe@rip1.fovref.uni-mb.si     (on PC/Linux)  *
* Slovenia           |    primoz.jeroncic@fov.uni-mb.si   (on VAX/VMS)   *
*                    |    FOV::UFOPRA155A                 (DECNET)       *
* WWW:        http://rip1.fovref.uni-mb.si/~ogabe                        *
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